Rollover IRA

We invite you to discover the

Decision Difference.

Leave your past employer in the past and unleash the potential of your 401K.

Rolling your 401K or other employer-sponsored retirement account into a Rollover IRA is one of the easiest and best choices you can make for protecting and growing your nest egg. Whether you have one lingering 401K or half a dozen accounts, in as many institutions, serving as your last remaining vestiges from jobs of yesteryear, you owe it to yourself to take control of your investments.

Decision Investments can help you consolidate your accounts to a Rollover IRA at Charles Schwab Institutional. In addition to all of the freedom, flexibility, cost savings, and security that come with a self-directed Schwab IRA, you will also have a premiere Investment Advisory firm regularly monitoring and managing your funds for optimal risk management and performance.

Get Out

• Get out of your old plan with minimal investment choices

• Move away from high costs and no flexibility

• Leave your past employer completely

Get In

• Get into a Rollover IRA at Charles Schwab with near-unlimited investment choices

• Take control of your money and what fees you pay

• Retain all the tax deferral benefits of your former plan

Get Active

• Get Active Portfolio Management from the Decision Investments team

• Enjoy the benefits of personal attention

• Know that your account is getting the proper attention every day.