401(K) Advisory

We invite you to discover the

Decision Difference.

Many investors have a majority of their liquid net worth in their 401K or other employer-sponsored retirement plans, yet most admit that they do not allocate enough time or resources towards managing these assets. Many investors allocate more time, money, and resources towards other investments and financial matters that will have far less of an impact on their future than the growth of their 401K or other employer-sponsored retirement account.

Decision Investments provides unbiased, goal-oriented, customized advice for your 401K assets. Most Human Resource Departments and Plan Providers offer very little support and education. We’re here to help.

A common misconception is that a 401K or other retirement plan should be managed simply following your risk profile and number of years until retirement. Although these factors rank among the most important, Decision Investments believes that if you are not taking into consideration economic cycles including Bull and Bear markets, stock valuations, interest rates, and the myriad of other forces at work in the capital markets you are exposing your assets to undue risk and not maximizing potential returns.


Would you like...

• An investment professional to work with you personally and help you decide how to invest your 401K?

• A personalized Risk Profile with recommendations that are based on your needs?

• Ongoing, active management of your 401K investments to keep you on track with your goals?

• To receive these benefits and more with no out-of-pocket fees?

Decision Investments can help you manage any retirement account including 401K’s and 403B, 457, SEP-IRA’s, and many more. We customize a solution for you with the investment options available in your plan. We then actively manage these for you on an ongoing basis and give you real-time advice. Many employees are surprised to learn that they can receive all of these benefits with no after-tax or out-of-pocket costs.

While brokerage firms where your current plan is held may be restricted from providing advice on these accounts, most retirement plans allow you to appoint an independent advisor. That’s where Decision Investments comes in. As a fiduciary, we can provide you the same level of service we provide to all of our clients, regardless of the account platform.