Enhanced Dividend Portfolio

We invite you to discover the

Decision Difference.

Tired of low returns on traditional investments?
Our Enhanced Dividend Portfolios can help.

These actively managed portfolios are designed to be your income powerhouse, targeting a 6% annual income regardless of interest rates or stock market fluctuations. Our goal is to significantly exceed the returns you’d see in a typical savings or CD account with moderate stock portfolio growth, without all the risk of a stock-only portfolio.

While prioritizing consistent income, these portfolios also have the potential to appreciate when markets are up. And during volatile periods, our focus shifts towards minimizing downside risk, helping to safeguard your investment. The portfolio focuses on high and growing stock dividends as well as other conservative vehicles to grow and protect your income and net worth.

Enhanced Dividend Portfolios Benefits

Pays More & Taxed Less

Higher Income – Our targeted 6% income yield is much higher than money markets, CDs, Treasury Bonds, Municipal Bonds, or dividends from typical stock portfolios.

Lower Tax Rate – While money market, CDs, and Treasury Bonds are taxed at your highest marginal federal tax rate, equity income is generally taxed at about ½ that rate in the form of qualified dividends and long-term capital gains, and even some tax-free return of capital.

Appreciation & Annual Income Growth

Long-term Appreciation – Our Enhanced Dividend Portfolio typically experiences appreciation in asset value annually, in addition to providing consistent income, even during market downturns.

Conservative Approach – With this high-income portfolio, while it may outperform in down, even, or moderate up markets, by avoiding high-growth, high-risk, expensive stocks, it will not have all the upside in a raging bull market.

Insulation from Stock & Bond Market Declines

Time Lowers Market Risk – While this equity dividend approach may feel aggressive for interest rate-oriented savers, a diversified value stock portfolio has very low long-term risk since down markets are usually book-ended by positive ones. While stock market downturns can be aggressive, they typically last two years or less. Longer-term diversified stock investments have very low risk and generally well out-perform fixed savings. In our opinion, short-term needed money should not be in stocks, and most longer-term investments should not be in low-interest rate CDs, bonds, and money market savings accounts.

Dividends Grow, but Interest is Fixed – Most dividend-paying stocks increase their dividends over time, while a 10-year or 30-year bond has a fixed interest rate until maturity. Bonds do not keep up with rising inflation or interest rates.

Bond Risk – While bonds are considered conservative, anyone who has lived through a rising interest rate cycle knows that bond values decrease substantially when interest rates rise. As interest rates inevitably rise, people may be devastated by how much value their “safe” bonds can lose.

Other Portfolio Benefits

Value Focused – The portfolio holds value and GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) stocks, ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), CEFs (Closed-end Funds) which use conservative covered calls to often generate 6-12% annual income, publicly traded REITS (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and short-term bonds (fixed income).

Fiduciary Model – We are legally as well as morally obligated to put client interests first – removing the conflict of most brokerages and insurance companies that “sell” high commission products such as annuities, unit trusts, or non-publicly traded REITs.

Fee-Based – We are exclusively compensated by a small % of assets fee – never accepting other fees/commissions to avoid conflicts of interest – as you do better, we do better. If values go down, we make less.

Tax Efficiency – We minimize taxes by focusing on the best after-tax appreciation and income, taking advantage of tax-deductible, reduced tax, tax-free opportunities as well as strategies such as tax loss harvesting to maximize income and net worth.

Active Management – We review client holdings daily using proprietary spreadsheets to take advantage of market volatility, buying low and selling higher as investment opportunities present themselves to maximize net worth & income. We achieve this by skillfully blending active management techniques to minimize risk while maintaining a long-term perspective through a value-based buy-and-hold approach.

Customized Portfolios – Each client is individually considered when buying or selling positions to fit their goals and objectives.

Exemplary Clean Record – No disciplinary action or client complaints filed in an over 20-year industry career https://brokercheck.finra.org/.

Daily Liquid Holdings – We only purchase investments that can be sold any day at market price without any holding or “lock-up” periods or surrender charges.

Free checking (ATM) accounts & No Custodial Fee Retirement Plans – Roth, Traditional, or SEP-IRAs as well as Individual 401(k)s have no inception or annual fees as well as free checking accounts with free ATM usage at virtually any bank (outside bank fees are rebated).

Tax Deductible Individual 401(k)s – These allow small business owners, independent professionals, independent contractors, consultants, Realtors, or 1099-paid employees to contribute in 2024 up to $69,000 and $76,500 at age 50 with a full federal and state tax deduction plus tax-deferred growth until distributions are taken with no inception or annual custodial fees.

Reliable Communication – Same-day return of calls or e-mails, quarterly e-mail updates on my market outlook and current investment strategy, as well as notes on the reasoning of major new purchases and sales, as well as commentary on important positive or negative events that impact our investments.

Free to leave anytime for any reason – While our client turnover is extremely low, you are free to leave anytime with a full refund on the day of any unused quarterly fee.