Independent Advice.

Uncompromised Service.

We invite you to discover the

Decision Difference.

Tailored Strategies
for Growth, Income & Protection

At Decision Investments, our top priority is our clients and providing prudent advice with integrity.

We specialize in actively managed portfolios, employing fundamental and technical analysis to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

We invite you to explore all the ways we can help you reach your goals.

Fiduciary Standard

As fiduciaries, we prioritize your best interests with fee-only transparency. By focusing on understanding your values, we’re able to build personalized financial plans that align with your unique goals and risk tolerance.

Comprehensive Services

No matter your financial situation, our holistic approach leverages our extensive experience to empower your financial journey. We’re not just managing your wealth — we’re building a lasting partnership for success.

Enhanced Dividend Portfolio

Our actively managed enhanced dividend portfolio strategy focuses on generating over 6% dividend yield, protecting client’s principles, and growing their net worth and investment income while minimizing risk and taxes.

Impact Investing

We know that many investors want to support causes that are near and dear to their hearts. Our Impact Investing offering allows clients to invest with purpose and align a portion of their portfolio with a cause. We feel so strongly that we donate 10% of our fees to support your chosen cause.

401k Advisory

Your 401k plays a significant role in securing the financial future you desire, yet many neglect to manage it effectively. We offer personalized advice to help maximize your 401k’s potential, from self-directed accounts to rollover IRAs, enhancing the limited support from HR and plan providers.