We are a registered investment advisory firm founded in 2007 based in La Jolla, CA. We specialize in active Portfolio Management and Financial Planning for high net worth individuals and institutions. We act as a fiduciary on assets for wealthy individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations and foundations. Our role as fiduciary means we are under legal obligation to provide the most prudent advice based upon our experience. It also means we are required to focus on our clients’ needs and to align ourselves with their interests while maintaining the highest level of integrity.

Our approach is holistic and tailored to each client. Our objective is to maximize each client's goals and help them secure a promising future. Our success begins with a thorough understanding of your unique needs. Only then can we develop a written portfolio plan for you that will properly balance your risk tolerance and return expectations. From there we use trend-following strategies to actively manage your portfolio within the ranges for each asset class pre-determined in your plan. We do not simply buy and hold a static allocation and hope for the best.

Decision Investments does not charge any commissions and is a strictly FEE-ONLY advisor


Our investment philosophy is one of the unique attributes of our service. Our active asset allocation strategy has a goal of participating in gains when market conditions are favorable, and reducing exposure when conditions are unfavorable. We control this risk thru Tactical Asset Allocation. Most investment advisors specializing in asset allocation use a strategic model (static diversification based on Modern Portfolio Theory), rather than an active approach. Active management is characterized by flexibility and adaptation, changing the allocation of assets as markets change and not limited to some predetermined style box. As active managers we employ tactical alternatives that are unavailable within a passive strategy. We can: over/under weight broad asset classes and industry sectors or avoid them completely. This allows us the chance to invest in more of what is working and less of what is not. Learn more here

Fee Only

Decision Investments is dedicated to providing clients the highest level of service and performance for one of the most reasonable fee schedules in the industry. We apply the following fee schedule consistently to all clients in the pursuit of fairness:

  • Fees are per annum, billed in four quarterly installments and are generally tax deductible

  • No commissions... ever. If your account grows, we get a raise. If your account shrinks so does our paycheck, leaving us with a vested interest in protecting and growing your accounts.



As an independent firm, Decision Investments is free to identify and evaluate the best opportunities in the marketplace including offering our opinions on Real Estate, Private Placements, etc. Brokers at brokerage firms are not allowed to do so as it is considered selling away and is strictly forbidden.


Above all else we value our relationships with all of our clients. We have chosen not to try to be all things to all people and instead focus on offering unparalleled service to a smaller group. We know all of our clients personally and over time often grow very close as we so typically play an integral role in helping to make important Estate Planning, Lifestyle and overall Wealth Planning choices.

Fiduciary Responsibility

We are not a "Broker Dealer" but instead a "Fiduciary" with a duty to our clients. As such, an investment adviser stands in a special relationship of trust and confidence with its clients. As a fiduciary, an Investment Advisor has an affirmative duty of care, loyalty, honesty, and good faith to act in the best interests of its clients. Read more on our fiduciary responsibility here